Snoopy Badazz, aka Melvin Banks, is a new rapper on the Hip Hop scene who boasts of his strong gang ties with the likes of the notorious, HollyHood Compton Pirus, a Piru Gang from Eastside of Compton, California.
However, this writer has been given information from several credible sources which indicate that Snoopy Badazz is using California gang culture in order to gain street credibility which he believes will somehow translate into online record sales. Snoopy Badazz boasts of his fighting four Pirus back-2-back after having disrespected them to Wack 100 in defense of his position. This is entirely True! However, what Snoopy fails to speak on is the fact that he was beaten up all four times. His fighting skills were likened to those of a drowning cat and enticed even females and men on crutches to want a piece of that ass.
During the 1990's, "Gangsta Rap," a primarily Crip dominated music genre, centered on artists such as Snoop Doggy Dogg and the Dogg Pound, M.C. Eiht, King T and Dub-C with a couple of Blood rappers such as DJ Quik and Mack 10 known to the mainstream outside of the "Bangin' On Wax," compilations.
In the last 10-15 years we have seen other Blood Rappers such as The Game and also less believable, less credible Piru rappers such as Lil Wayne and Souljah Boy have emerged claimin' the "B" and "P." Both being from outside California were regarded ultimately as "Off-Brands," and/or "Weirdos," these being terms reserved for people outside of California gangland.
The term "Weenie," has been used to describe Snoopy Bitchazz on several occasions. This term is usually reserved for, not only a higher caliber of Weirdo/Off-Brand but, one with a rather weak and/or apologetic disposition which is as out of place in the hood as caviar and cow shit.
Now, 2018-2019 has shown us a whole other level as it relates to phoniness in the music industry and the blatant fakers and shakers who give the game a black eye.
Sly Blue from Eastside Neighborhood Perris Crips aka T-Prince from Moreno Valley Sex Cash Murder Gang (Crips) aka Snoopy Badazz from HollyHood Compton Piru are all One and The Same!
Apparently, the rappers modus operandi has been to get initiated into various gangs and then to use their sense of camaraderie in a way that would benefit him and not so much his homeboys. This is called a "Parasitic" relationship. The same relationship that exists between a dog and a blood-sucking tick.
Being the same idiot, Sly Blue, T-Prince and Snoopy Badazz would naturally share the same issues and flaws and he is very well known for them. These are character flaws that should be considered as symptoms to his sickness.
The Snoopy Badazz sickness is one where being weak of heart and lacking the courage to back up your convictions is so prevalent at his core being, that it is seemingly a predisposed genetic deficiency probably handed down for generations. Imagine that! "Bitchassness," is not just a choice... it is handed down from generation to generation like sugar diabetes.
The symptoms of the Snoopy Badazz sickness are things such as homelessness, poverty, lack of hustle, constant brokenness, couch surfing over different homie's houses, lying, ducking and dodging and the overall use crackhead tactics as a means of personal survival. Keep in mind, the disease is highly contagious and there is no known cure.
Apparently, Snoopy Sadass has attempted to manipulate and lure other rappers such as B.G. Knocc out into conversations that he believes will have his pending Crip charges dismissed with prejudice by asking B.G what neighborhood he (Snoopy) claimed while in jail. BG, of course, replied honestly enough, "HollyHood Piru," not knowing Snoopy's history.
Strangely enough, Snoopy Badazz went to a Compton Crip to validate himself as a Compton Piru rather than other Pirus which would make a lot more sense in this writer's opinion. That"s like a tiger going to a lion and asking him to validate his stripes. It's ridiculous!
Unfortunately for Snoopy, this little thing called "Time," exists and it has a way of establishing these strange lines that normal-minded people call, "Timelines." People use them in order to piece together stories that are being told after a significant amount of time has passed in order to extract elements of truth from the situation.
What Snoopy Fag Ass... fails to realize is that everyone knows that he created that persona after having been courted onto Perris Neighborhood Crips and therein lies a serious issue.
All things in this world must evolve or die. Such is the nature of this planet. However, this not true as it relates to many aspects and rules of gangbangin' in California, whether it be in Los Angeles County or Riverside County.
You are either Crippin Till The Casket Drops or you Piru Till You're Through! You cannot, however, do both, which is what Snoopy Badazz has been doing for quite some time now.
He is known amongst all members of all sets as a "Disrespectful Nigga." This is a simple yet, direct and accurate description of Snoopy Badazz and this writer believes this to be accurate for the following reasons.
1.) Crips and Pirus regard their neighborhoods as sacred as it not only represents a territory that they claim as their own but, a representation of those who have fought, died and those who now sit behind bars for the rest of their natural lives as a result of their loyalty to their neighborhoods. Snoopy Badasses actions say that all of these things are and were in vain.
2.) "Transformers," are people who hop from Crip to Blood or vice versa. These types are outright insults to the culture as they have no true allegiance to any side. They cannot even be considered Non-Affiliates as even some Non-Affiliates have gang ties but are not considered "Active" gang members whether it be because they have not been put-on or because they function independently from their neighborhoods.
3.) No One Individual Is Above The Rules.
4.) Snoopy Bazz was put on every neighborhood but, showed complete disregard for his initiation in the same manner as a member of the Italian Mob who disregards his "Made," status and continues to act like a civilian.
2019 and enter Enocc Tha UndaDawg, an artist from Eastside Perris Neighborhood Crips to snatch the "S" right off Snoopy Badazz's chest and confirm the obvious discrepancies in Snoopy's facade.
Enocc Tha UndaDawg's single "Snoopy Who?" calls Snoopy Badazz out in no uncertain terms by calling him a "Hood Hoppin, Puddin' Pop, Bitch Ass Nigga' and calling him out for a "Fade," or in Hood-Speak... a fight.
Snoopy continues to hide even after the initial onslaught by Enocc Tha UndaDawg who released a 1-minute long snippet of the song and once again... Snoopy would continue to hide.
In closing... the fockery blatantly exhibited by this clown is undeniable and worst of all, verifiable.